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Written by : Epicly Epic Gamer
Written by : Epicly Epic Gamer
Written by : Epicly Epic Gamer
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 50 | Convince the target to trade items with you. | ||
Melee | Strength 70 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 36 | Swipe at the target with metaphysical claws. Lands critical hits more often. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 30 | Force the target into a mental loop, repeating the last move they used several times. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 20 | Prepare to dodge any attacks that come at you this turn. May fail if used consecutively. | ||
Melee | Strength 70 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 35 | Punch the foe with an electrified fist. The target may become dazed or paralyzed. | ||
Ranged | Strength 70 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 36 | Attack the opponent's mind by telepathically flooding it with confusing ideas and imagery. Has a small chance to lower their Ranged Attack. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy 75 | Energy Cost 40 | Lull the target away into a deep slumber. | ||
Melee | Strength 60 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 40 | Spitefully strike the opponent. Power is doubled when you are inflicted with a status ailment. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 40 | Give you and your allies a jolt of electricity that greatly boosts each of your Ranged Attack at the cost of 1/4 of your max Health. | ||
Melee | Strength 80 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 40 | Hit the target hard with a fist. This may leave them dazed. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 25 | Seek mental serenity to boost your Ranged Attack and Ranged Defense. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 25 | Focus on your strengths, boosting your Melee Attack and Ranged Attack. | ||
Ranged | Strength 60 | Accuracy Sure Hit | Energy Cost 26 | Zap the opponent with perfect accuracy. This attack almost never misses. | ||
Melee | Strength 85 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 45 | Swat at the opponent from a distance, while using your mind to summon a larger, metaphysical copy of your hand to strike the opponent. This attack deals damage based on your Melee Attack, and the opponent's Ranged Defense. | ||
Ranged | Strength 90 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 50 | Strike the target with a fierce mental blast. This may lower their Ranged Defense. | ||
Melee | Strength 40 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 25 | Lunge into the foe before they are ready to move. | ||
Melee | Strength 65 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 45 | Hit the opponent. If they are holding an item, slap it to the ground. The item can no longer be used. | ||
Melee | Strength 40 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 15 | Strike the foe, but leave them with at least one Health Point. | ||
Ranged | Strength 40 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 20 | Shock the opponent with a small voltage, sometimes leaving them paralyzed. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 15 | Stretch your muscles to be better prepared to move. | ||
Melee | Strength 40 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 15 | Hit the target with tail, paw, wing etc. | ||
Melee | Strength 20 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 35 | Stun the enemy with a small jolt that always leaves them with paralysis. | ||
Melee | Strength 65 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 26 | While electrified, hurl yourself into your opponent. This may paralyze them. | ||
Ranged | Strength 90 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 50 | Blast the target with a powerful bolt of electricity. This may paralyze them. |