Melee / Ranged | Strength 75 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 35 | The type and effect of this move varies with the evolutionary strengths of the Loomian that uses it. | ||
Ranged | Strength 70 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 40 | Slash your opponent with a rapid air current. Lands critical hits more often. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 30 | Trick your opponents into using their moves on you, if able, instead of their original target. | ||
Melee | Strength 90 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 35 | Crash into your opponent with a full-body tackle. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 25 | Bulk up to boost your Melee Attack and Melee Defense. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 15 | Play around bashfully, causing your opponent(s) to let their guard down and lower their Melee Defense. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 20 | Prepare to dodge any attacks that come at you this turn. May fail if used consecutively. | ||
Melee | Strength 60 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 25 | Charge into the opponent. May also lower their speed. | ||
Melee | Strength 75 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 36 | Hack at the opponent with sharp claws. Lands critical hits more often. | ||
Melee | Strength 60 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 40 | Spitefully strike the opponent. Power is doubled when you are inflicted with a status ailment. | ||
Ranged | Strength 70 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 45 | Wash the opponent away with an overwhelming amount of water. Drains a small amount of their Energy. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 25 | Seek mental serenity to boost your Ranged Attack and Ranged Defense. | ||
Melee | Strength 90 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 44 | Dive deep below the surface and hide for a turn. Strike the target on the second turn. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 25 | Focus on your strengths, boosting your Melee Attack and Ranged Attack. | ||
Melee | Strength 40 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 25 | Lunge into the foe before they are ready to move. | ||
Melee | Strength 40 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 15 | Strike the foe, but leave them with at least one Health Point. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 15 | Stretch your muscles to be better prepared to move. | ||
Melee | Strength 40 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 15 | Hit the target with tail, paw, wing etc. | ||
Melee | Strength 70 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 36 | Hack at the target with prickly claws. Lands critical hits more often. | ||
Support | Strength --- | Accuracy --- | Energy Cost 50 | Sacrifice your remaining Health to harshly lower the target's Melee Attack and Ranged Attack. | ||
Ranged | Strength 90 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 60 | Attack all surrounding Loomians by crashing a large wave in the battlefield. | ||
Ranged | Strength 60 | Accuracy 100 | Energy Cost 26 | Hurl a ball of water that explodes on contact. May leave the target dazed. |